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Like Herrings and Onions #1 - "Charity" Talkback

Writer: Michael JacobyMichael Jacoby

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

Original Release Date: March 18, 2017

You know how YouTubers often ask you to smash the like button? Helen smashes charity tables. (I'll let myself out.)

The first four issues of Like Herrings and Onions are all single-page. At the time, after producing the other, multi-page issues, I found that producing such comics were somewhat tiresome and rather lengthy to produce. I figured that single-page issues would be easier to make, and therefore be placed on the site quickly. Even so, LHAO ultimately had an issue with more than one page, and more will be coming later.

Like Herrings and Onions, the more darker; adult-oriented; and more grounded (despite a cast of anthropomorphic animals) of my webcomics, is about mocking sins and negative traits found in society and people. This is exemplified in the series' protagonist, 16-year-old Helen Ethanson. Part of her characterization (and said negative traits to mock) comes from my time on Facebook throughout this decade, with my FB Friends often liking and sharing posts that originated from hyper-conservative pages, the ones that support stuff like the Tea Party. Against my better judgment, I would look at what such pages would have to offer and quickly assumed that my friends and people in my generation and younger would think similarly.

In this case, traits I found from such pages (which would most likely serve as fodder for Cursed Boomer Images now), such as apathy, heartlessness, and playing the victim card, are mocked with Helen, in her debut, destroying a donation table for soldiers and accusing the man at the table of stealing her money.

This is the only strip with Helen's purple coloring. I had originally imagined Helen with a blue-purple coloring and this color seemed to be the fit at first. However, I didn't like it, so I later went with a light blue color for her.

Helen's pose in panel 5 is supposed to be mocking of the fallen soldiers. It looks like a curtsy pose, like if she was pulling the edges of her dress while greeting someone superior. It made sense to me when I first made it.


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