Bright Eyes (1934 [1994 re-issue]):
Rated PG for situations troubling to younger children.
Little Miss Broadway (1934 [1994 re-issue]):
Rated PG for one racial reference.
Little Witches (1996):
Rated R for occult violence, nudity and some sexuality.
Little Indian, Big City (1995):
Rated PG for crude language, adolescent sensuality and scenes of mild violence.
The Littlest Viking (1994):
Rated PG for Viking combat.
The Education of Little Tree (1997):
Rated PG for language and thematic elements including old fashioned discipline.
Steal Big, Steal Little (1995):
Rated PG-13 for a scene of marijuana use.
The Little Colonel (1935 [1994 re-issue]):
Rated PG for racial stereotyping, and for a shooting.
The Littlest Rebel (1935 [1994 re-issue]):
Rated PG for thematic elements and racial stereotyping.
Little Giants (1994):
Rated PG for kids' rude language and pranks.
Happy Campers (2000):
Rated R for nonstop crude sexual content involving minors, and for language and drug use.
Happy Together (1988):
Rated PG-13 for one use of strong language and some scenes of sensuality.
The Road Killers (1993):
Rated R for violence, pervasive threat and strong language.
The Crying Child (1996):
Rated PG-13 for supernatural terror and thematic elements.
P.U.N.K.S. (1998):
Rated PG for action/violence, mischief and mild language.
The Little Patriot (1994):
Rated PG for mild historical war violence and language.
Susannah of the Mounties (1939 [1994 re-issue]):
Rated PG for mild frontier violence and period depiction of racial stereotypes.
Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain (1995):
Rated PG for mild language and thematic elements, including a child's exposure to domestic abuse.
Monkey Trouble (1994):
Rated PG for a moment of menace.
Far From Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog (1994):
Rated PG for perilous adventure.
Radioland Murders (1994):
Rated PG for mild language, some farcical violence and brief nudity.
Radio Flyer (1992):
Rated PG-13 for theme (child abuse) and violence.
First Daughter (2004):
Rated PG for language, sexual situations and alcohol-related material.
Murder in the First (1994):
Rated R for strong images of prison brutalities, sexuality and language.
First Knight (1995):
Rated PG-13 for some brutal medieval battles.
Jackie Chan's First Strike (1996):
Rated PG-13 for plentiful action/violence.
First Do No Harm (1997):
Rated PG-13 for intense emotional and physical depiction of a child's illness.
Cirque du Freak (2009):
Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense supernatural violence and action, disturbing images, thematic elements and some language.
Knowing (2009):
Rated PG-13 for disaster sequences, disturbing images and brief strong language.
Lorenzo's Oil (1992):
Rated PG-13 for a child's life threatening ordeal.
Sticks and Stones (1996):
Rated PG-13 for irresponsible gun use, vicious bullying and crude language.
Time to Kill (1990):
Rated R for a scene of brute sexuality, and for occasional strong language.
Striptease (1996):
Rated R for nudity, erotic dancing and language.
Skyscraper (1996):
Rated R for strong action violence, sex scenes and language.
Demolition Man (1993):
Rated R for non-stop action violence, and for strong language.
Bridge of Dragons (1998):
Rated R for strong action violence.
Team America: World Police (2004):
Rated R for graphic crude and sexual humor, violent images and strong language - all involving puppets.
If These Walls Could Talk (1996):
Rated R for realistic depiction of abortions, a graphic shooting and some language.
Against the Wall (1994):
Rated R for a graphic depiction of a prison uprising, and for some strong language.
Josh & S.A.M. (1993):
Rated PG-13 for kids in jeopardy.
Shining Through (1992):
Rated R for a scene of sensuality.
The Celluloid Closet (1996):
Rated R for some graphic footage of sexuality and violence, and for language.
Fluke (1995):
Rated PG for a dog attack and a disturbing car crash.
Fluke (1996 video release):
Rated PG for some mild language and thematic elements.
Songcatcher (2000):
Rated PG-13 for sexual content and an intense scene of childbirth.
Super Size Me (2004):
Rated PG-13 for language, sex and drug references, and a graphic medical procedure.
Super Size Me: Educationally Enhanced (2004):
Rated PG for thematic elements, a disturbing medical procedure, and some language.
Cats & Dogs (2001):
Rated PG for animal action and humor.
Red (1994):
Rated R for a brief but strong sex scene.
Last Light (1993):
Rated R for intense depiction of life on Death Row.
The Outsiders: The Complete Novel (2003):
Rated PG-13 for violence, teen drinking and smoking, and some sexual reference [sic].
Bats: The Theatrical Release (1999):
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of bat attacks, and brief language.
Bats: The International Version (1999):
Rated R for some graphic, bloody bat attacks.
Imagine That (2009):
Rated PG for some mild language and brief questionable behavior.
Dimples (1936 [1995 re-issue]):
Rated PG for historic racial stereotyping.
The War (1994):
Rated PG-13 for the intense depiction of human struggle and conflict.
To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar (1995):
Rated PG-13 for subject matter involving men living in drag, a brief scene of spousal abuse and some language.
Alice in Wonderland (2010):
Rated PG for fantasy action/violence involving scary images and situations, and for a smoking caterpillar.
Endless Summer (1994):
Rated PG for brief nudity and some mild language.
Imaginary Crimes (1994):
Rated PG for theme and some very mild language.
Jaded (1999):
Rated R for strong scenes of a sexual assault, other violent images, sexuality and language.
Lassie (1994):
Rated PG for some pre-teen mischief, mild language, and suspenseful action.
Sherlock Holmes (2009):
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some startling images, and a scene of suggestive material.
The Presence (1994):
Rated PG for monster-related tension and mild language.
Kick-Ass (2010):
Rated R for strong brutal violence throughout, pervasive language, sexual content, nudity and some drug use - some involving children.
Secrets in the Attic (1994):
Rated PG for murder mystery theme.
Sherlock: Undercover Dog (1994):
Rated PG for a comic criminal element, and for some mild language.
3 Wishes (1995):
Rated PG for mild language and sensuality, and a scary fantasy.
Born Wild (1995):
Rated PG for mild language, and includes some footage of wild animal action.
Captain Courageous (1995):
Rated PG for a few mildly disturbing scenes.
Another Stakeout (1993):
Rated PG-13 for two sequences of violence in a comic/action genre.
Two Girls and a Guy: Uncut Version (1998):
Rated NC-17 for a scene of explicit sexuality.
Two Girls and a Guy: Edited Version (1998):
Rated R for a strong sex scene, strong language and sexual dialogue, and for a violent image.
Attack on Darfur (2010):
Rated R for strong disturbing depiction of atrocities including rape and infanticide, and language.
The Last Days (1998):
Rated PG-13 for graphic images and descriptions of Holocaust atrocities.
Haunted Castle (2001):
Rated PG for some frightening sensations and horror images.
Me & The Kid (1993):
Rated PG for threatened violence toward a child, and for language.
The Meteor Man (1993):
Rated PG on appeal for children caught up in perils of an urban environment.
The Shell Shockers (1993):
Rated PG for some plot elements.
Born Yesterday (1993):
Rated PG for language and a scene of abusive behavior.
Bulldozer Brigade (1993):
Rated PG for mild danger.
A Serbian Film (2011):
Rated NC-17 for extreme aberrant sexual and violent content including explicit dialogue.
The Date (1995):
Rated PG for a humorous scene involving alcohol.
The Fantasticks (1995):
Rated PG for some bawdy carnival humor.
Hiroshima (1995):
Rated PG for war violence including footage of bomb devastation, and for some language.
Hereafter (2010):
Rated PG-13 for mature thematic elements including disturbing disaster and accident images, and for brief strong language.
Portrait of a Lady (1996):
Rated PG-13 for mature sensuality and brief nudity.
127 Hours (2010):
Rated R for language and some disturbing violent content/bloody images.
Basil (1998):
Rated R for a scene involving abortion.
Switchback (1997):
Rated R for strong violence and several views of nude pin-ups.
9 (2009):
Rated PG-13 for violence and scary images.
The Hollow (2004):
Rated R for some scary images and sexuality.
Thumbsucker (2005):
Rated R for drug/alcohol use involving teens, language and a disturrbing [sic] image.
Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005):
Rated R for disturbing sexual content involving children and for language.
The Way Back (2010):
Rated PG-13 for violent content, depiction of physical hardships, a nude image and brief strong language.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 (2010):
Rated PG-13 for some sequences of intense action violence, frightening images, and brief sensuality.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (2011):
Rated PG-13 for some sequences of intense action violence and frightening images.
For Colored Girls (2010):
Rated R for some disturbing violence include a rape, sexual content and language.
The Tommyknockers (1993):
Rated R for sci-fi terror/horror.
The Last Days of Chez Nous (1992):
Rated R for a moment of strong sexual language.
Silent Victim (1992):
Rated R for language and sexuality, and for elements of domestic violence.